This year for your delectation we have three of the finest musical acts to tempt you to the annual Asylum Time Travellers gig.

FYI: Wristbands not required for this evening event - tickets go on sale 31st March 9pm for general public
MADAM MISFIT: Making her debut at The Engine Shed this year will be the incomparable bundle of energy and infectious musicality that is Madam Misfit.

Brace yourselves for a whirlwind performance of musical mayhem blending electroswing, dubstep, funk and chap-hop that will blow your socks off.

VICTOR AND THE BULLY Armed with a devilish steampunk aesthetic and bringing in a thunderous twisted sound of Guitars, pianos, violins, trumpets and anything they can throw in the mix, ‘Victor and the Bully’ create a Carnival blend of music inspired by pop, punk, swing, mariachi, classical and metal to blow the cobwebs away and get the feet tapping!

VATB took the Engine Shed by storm last year and this will be another opportunity to see them perform in this amazing music venue.

WIGHT HOT PIPES Headlining tonight will be the Wight Hot Pipes who never fail to set the dancefloor alight. Well not literally, but possibly closer than you might think.

The Wight Hot pipes deliver a mix of musical genres which fuse in their melodic melting pot to create an exhilarating cocktail of flavours; spanning the entire spectrum from celtic all the way through to contemporary dance and gritty rock.